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149    March 1864
[[underlined]] Wednesday 24.[[/underlined]]  I painted all day on N 101. and varnished with Mastic N. 99.  Got a letter this morning from Mary & Burd saying that May is much better also a note from Mrs. Peale saying she is better.
22°. calm s e clo 10.  47°. n w clo 7 w. 31°. calm hazy clouds.
[[underlined]] Thursday 25 [[/underlined]]  I painted the greater part of the day on N 101.  Edward went to Orbern to look afer hay and he returned this evening.  Louisia A E. H and Fanny went this afternoon to Orwigsburg and benny Potts.
25°. n w clear. 46°. calm w clear.  33°. calm e clear.
[[underlined]] Friday 26.[[/underlined]] I sharpened all of Louisias knives this morning as she expects company today.  Then commenced painting and continued the greater part of the day on N 101.
Mrs. Benny Pot & 2 children, and Mrs. Eber of Orwigsburg come this morning and spent the day at Edwards, left just at dusk when it commenced to rain.
I received a letter from Mary. Phila. 19th. saying that May is still improving in health.  She is takeing lessens in Landscape painting [[strikethrough]] &c [[/strikethrough]] with Mr. Mason the Landscape Painter.
24°. calm white frost, clo hazy 9. 52° s e clo 10.  37°. n e. rain.
[[underlined]] Saturday 27.[[/underlined]]  This morning I was engaged in sweeping and cleaning the parlour and hall &c. The day was so dark that I couldnot paint, it was snowing very fast until 8 when it turned to rain and continued throug out the day and evening. 
35°. n e snow.  45°. n e rain.  37°. n e rain.
[[underlined]] Sunday 28 [[/underlined]]  This has been a quiet day with us,  Too muddy to go out, although very pleasant over head.
37°. calm w.  49°. calm w clo 3 w.  37° calm, clear.
[[underlined]] Monday 29 [[/underlined]]  I painted all the morning on N 101.
This morning Edward Louisia, Fanny and A E. Hubley went to Potte. leaving her there and her brother Edward came home with them this evening.
Mrs. Peale was so well that she went to James Pattersons and the walk made her worse, the Dr. requires her to lie in bed and keep quiet for a few days
31°. calm white frost, clear.  56°. s e clo 2 n w.  45°° w, clear.
[[underlined]] Tuesday 30.[[/underline]]  I painted a part of the day on N. 101.  I have not been oversmart since I last heared from Mrs. Peale [[strikethrough]] not[[/strikethrough]] she not being so well it put me all aback.
I mixed paint for the hay-wagons & tenat house &c.
37°. calm clo 10. 43°. e clo 10.  37° n e wind, clo 9 n e.