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March 1864 & April 1864.              150
[[underlined]] Wednesday 31 [[/underlined]]  I painted all day on N. 101. It was my intention to go to Potte. but it was so stormy that I couldnot venture out. It snowed until late in the afternoon and then turned to rain.
35°. n e high wind snow. 35°. violent n e wind & snow toward evening commenced raining n e. 34°. calm, n e. rain.
[[left margin note]] April. [[/margin note]] [[underlined]] Thursday 1.[[/underlined]] Edward drove E. Hubley and myself to Potte. early after breakefast. I found Mrs. Peale confined to her bed where she has been since tuesday.
[[double underlined]] Friday April 2d. 1864.[[/underlined]] Mrs. Peale is much better today
[[underlined]] Saturday 3.[[/underlined]] Mrs. Peale is much the same today. Mary came from Philadelphia this evening. she tells us that May is much better than she has been for some time, but is still confined to her bed, Burd and the children are well.
[[underlined]] Sunday3 [[underlined]] it ^[[insertion]] 4 [[/insertion]] [[?]] been snowing all the morning and then rained all the afternoon and evening. 
since Mary came Mrs. Peale appears much better. I took up the two Pheasant pieces on Thursday.
[[underlined]] Monday 5th [[/underlined]] Mrs. Peale sat up some time this morning and seemed quite smart, therefore Mary and I came home in the morning train to S. Haven, we dined at Mr. Levans, Sarah and Mrs. J. Levan brought us home soon after dinner, Mary went to S. Haven with them she took up 2 canvases with the intention of painting while with her mother; we found when we come home that Edward went early this morning to Potte. took up John Patterson who came down on Thursday with Edward. and Louesia & Fanny, they came home this evening.
_____ 50°. calm e. clo 8. 41°. calm e clo 10.
[[underlined]] Tuesday 6 [[/underlined]] I painted the greater part of the day on N. 101. it was rather too dark to paint, snow all the morning and then rain all the afternoon, a drizly rain.
32°. n e snow. 38° n e snow. 38°. calm n e drizzly rain.
[[underlined]] Wednesday 7. [[/underlined]] I painted all day on N. 101. got a letter from Mary saying Mother is still getting better. yesterday. Mr. Bast took his picture from Mr. Levan's and paid $50 for it and is well pleased with it. 
Edward is plowing for Corn in the old orchard. 
The roads are very bad today, very few persons have passed here today
39°. calm, clo 9. 56°. calm, clo 9 w. 40 calm, clear.

Transcription Notes:
I was unsure if, and perhaps more so how, revisions should be documented. On this page Rubens Peale makes a numbering mistake in his dates and corrects it by writing over them, perhaps this is worth documenting in some way. Siobhan:- in previous projects we've transcribed overwritten text as [[overwritten]] 2 [[/overwritten]] 3 - where 3 is the correction. Hope this helps. I tend to use this where the overwritten text seems significant. Wouldn't normally do it for minor mistake in date. But it's a judgement call so if you want to go for it!