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April 1864.
[[underlined]] Thursday 8.[[/underlined]] I painted all the morning on N. 101. and begun to trim the grape vines as the day was so fine. quite a spring day I also brought from the Cellar some plants and trimmed them.
The masons are building the stone work for a Hay scales, back of the barn for Edward.
37°. calm white frost, clear. 63°. s w, clear. 45°. calm, clear. 
[[underlined]] Friday 9.[[/underlined]] I painted all the morning and finished N. 101. and in the afternoon on N. 100. 
Got a note from Mary saying that mother is better and sat up yesterday and expected to set up today.
Dr. Shannan vaccinated Louesia today, although she had been vaccinated several years ago. Fanny in playing behind the barn fell and put her little finger out of joint. Dr. Shannan on his return from below stopped and set it. she suffered much before he came, she is now easy, or does not complain.
32°. calm, clear. 61°. s w hazy clouds s w. 51°. calm clo 2. s w.
[[underlined]] Saturday 10.[[/underlined]] I painted all day on N. 100. 
Edward is planting 30 Plum trees in the s.w. corner of the old orchard which he got from Pottstown. & Pears.
46°. s e clo 9 e. 47°. s e clo 9 s e. comd. raining at sunset. 41°. n e Rain.
[[underlined]] Sunday 11.[[/underlined]] This has been a very unpleasant day, it begun to rain last night and continued until after noon a northeast storm.
39°. n e rain. 46°. n e rain. 44°. n e clo 10. misty.
[[underlined]] Monday 12.[[/underlined]] I was to have gone to Potte. with Edward but the day proved unfavorable. I therefore looked over old letters and papers which consumed the day, it was too dark to paint.
In the afternoon Mr. Abbott's man came to fix up the Hay Scales for Edward.
I got a note from Mary saying her mother was much better yesterday, that she had walked about the room &c.
40°. calm clo 10. 49 calm  n e clo 10 w. 45°. calm rain showers all day of short duration.
[[underlined]] Tuesday 13.[[/underlined]] It rained very hard last night and this morning the fog was very dence, cleared off at 11. 
The Hay scales is now compleated, and hay weighed on it.
Edward, Louesia, Fanny & I went up to Potte. after diner found Mrs. Peale much better and sitting up. Dolly has been very ill, with spotted fever. but is better today.