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April 1864
[[underlined]] Monday 19. [[/underlined]] I painted the greater part of the day on N. 100 and cleaned off the ruff litter from Mrs. Peales bed of strawberries &c.
Edward went to Pott[[superscript]]e[[/superscript]]. this morning and brought down A. E. Hubley this evening.
38°. calm, clear. 56°. w clo 6 w. 42°. calm n e clo 2 w.
[[underlined]] Tuesday 20. [[/underlined]] I painted all the morning on N. 100.  
In the afternoon I worked in the garden, Dan Fry took out the old posts and big stones and the Elder &c.
35°. calm, clear. 54°. w, clo 4. 44°. calm, clo 2. 
[[underlined]] Wednesday 21. [[/underlined]]  I painted all the morning on N. 100. and in afternoon in the garden, raked off the Asparagus and begun to trim the Raspberries.  
39°. calm, clo 3 e. 51°. n e clo 5 w. 42°. w clo 8 w.
[[underlined]] Thursday 22. [[/underlined]] I have worked all day in the garden Mrs. Dorling  dug and made quite a large bed for me without my aid.
Mary walked to and from S. Haven this afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Torry (artists) came from Pott[[superscript]]e[[/superscript]]. on horseback this afternoon, they were much pleased with our paintings, expressed themselves highly gratified with their visit, regretting marys absence from home.
Mrs. Peale is so much better that she has been up nearly all day.  Geo sowing Oats today in back field.
Revd. Mr. Prior walked from [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] S. Haven and back this morning, he was much pleased with the picture of Mrs. Prior (from a miniature) that Mary is painting for him.
34°. calm, clear. 55°. calm, clo 4. w. 41°. calm e, clear.
[[underlined]] Friday 23. [[/underlined]] I painted all the morning on N. 100. and in the afternoon worked in the garden, I sowed, Lettuce, Drumhead Cabbage, 
[[strikethrough]] Lord Rugeon [[/strikethrough]] Winningstal Cabbage, Sugar Parsnip, Salsafy. Red Beet, from Mrs. Deibert, and dressed the edges of the bed & c.
Edward and Louesia came home at noon.
Mrs. Peale came over to see me this morning for a few minutes and rode up the road as far as W. Deiberts. Mrs. Warner and 3 other ladies, brought Mrs. Peale some calves feet jelly.
Geo. begun to plant Potatoes in the old orchard.
30°. calm white frost, clear. 66°. calm s e hazy clo. 55°. s e clo 10.