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April 1864
[[underlined]] Saturday 2[[3 overwritten by 4]]d. [[/underlined]] I painted a part of the day on N. 100. and worked the remainder of the day in the garden. 
47°. calm, s e, clo 10. 75° s w clear. 66° calm, clear.
[[underlined]] Sunday 2[[4 overwritten by 5]]  [[/underlined]] Mrs. Peale is much better today she even came down while we were eating our breakefast and pertook of a little although she had hers early, and again at dinner. she rode down as far as Wormcassels and felt no worse for her ride.  This afternoon John and Eddy Patterson came down. Dolly was so low on Thursday they thought she would die but today she is much better.
William Levan and Mr. Bast came he admired my watermellon piece very much and says his daughter in law shall have it if she wants it. Mr. Levan was delighted with Mrs. Priors portrait.
60° calm, clear. 79°. calm s w clo 5 s w. 65.° calm, a drizly rain s. east.
[[underlined]] Monday 2[[5 overwritten by 6]]. [[/underlined]] I painted apart of the day on N. 100. [[left margin note]] calf. [[/margin note]]
The day was too dark to do much. Cumings cow dropped a calf.
Mrs. Peale has not been so well today as she was yesterday. I think she exposed herself too much yesterday.
60° s e rain. 63° s e rain. 56° calm. clo 5 s w lightning.
[[underlined]] Tuesday 2[[6 overwritten by 7]] [[/underlined]] I painted the greater part of the day on N. 100, but the day was rather dark.
Edward went to Potte. this afternoon, could not get any Onion seed or Tom Thumb Peas, he got marrowfats.
Dolly Patterson is much better today. Dr. Shannan couldnot come to see Mrs. Peale yesterday but called this morning, he thinks she is doing very well, but must keep quiet.
got a letter from Burd, May is much better.
57° calm s w clo 9 s w. 60° w clo 5 w 54°. calm w Clo 9 w showers during the day.
[[underlined]] Wednesday 2[[7 overwritten by 8]]. [[/underlined]] I was not over smart today. took some medicine and now feel better. I felt no inclination to paint, and made several attemps to do a little in garden, the ground too wet and in the afternoon n w wind was too cold, took the lock of Marys trunk off, to have a new one, fixed the the flap of the lid of it with wire hinges instead of leather. Mrs. Peale sems more [[asy ?]], kept more quiet than yesterday
52°, w. clo 9 n w. 72°. calm s e, clo 4 n w. 51°. n w clo 4 n w .
[[underlined]] Thursday 2[[8 overwritten by 9]]th. [[/underlined]] I painted a good part of the day on N 100. Edward went this [[strikethrough]] afternoon [[/strikethrough]] morning to Pottstown on business. Louisia took [[?]] to the Landing. She and Mary went