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157.     May 1864.
 [[underlined]] Saturday 7th.[[/underlined]] I worked a good part of the day in the garden, planted the Dahlias in front of Edwards house, was too much fatigued to plant more. Edward came home at noon.
  John Patterson brought this afternoon his sister Emma, Mary Eliza and Miss Brook. Miss Sarah Levan and her friend and several children this morning. got by the express Marys box of small pictures and a box of seed corn from Burd. Mrs. Peale is very much better today. 
56°. calm, clo 1 n w. 85°. s w. clo 3 w. Lightning, thunder, and a sprinkling of rain in the afternoon. 68°. calm e clo 3.  lightning n e. 
  [[underlined]] Sunday 8.[[/underlined]] Charles went home by this mornings train. Brothers Burd and George came this morning to see Mrs. Peale. of afterwards came Lydia, Frederick & ^[[insertion]] William's [[/insertion]] wife, they didnot stay to dinner. Mrs. Peale seemed better today until toward evening. she now is easy and inclined to sleep. This day has been very opressive to me. calm s west. 59˚. calm, fog. 88˚. s w clo 1 n w. 72˚. calm, clear.
[[underlined]] Monday 9. [[/underlined]] I worked a little while this morning but was called off to attend Mrs. Peale.  she is not so well today has had numbness in her left foot and hand, but is rather better this evening of it. we have been all day rubbing her and I magnatizing her. 
65˚. calm, clear.  88˚. s w clo 3 w. 68˚. calm s w, clear.
[[underlined]] Tuesday 10. [[/underlined]] I worked all the morning in the garden, planting Dahlias, Gladiolias &c.
Mr. Edward Thompson & wife came this afternoon from Ashland to see Mrs. Peale, who is rather better today.  George has planted the meadow near the house with corn. [[left margin note]] sat. Turkey [[/margin note]] Louisia sat a Turkey with 10 eggs.
56˚. calm, dence fog, clear.  86˚. calm s w, hazy clo. 70˚. calm clo 3 s w.
[[underlined]] Wednesday 11. [[/underlined]] I worked a good part of the day in Marys garden.  Mr. & Mrs. E. Thompson went home this morning soon after breakefast.
Lewis Walker brought down Matilda Patterson, she brought ice cream, pineapples &c. for Mrs. Peale, who has been quite smart today, enabling Mary to be in the garden this afternoon superintending.
Ma. says that Dolly is worse, she thinks she cannot last long, being constantly under the effects of morphine.  We had quite a smart shower towards evening.
52˚. calm e clo 9 w. 60˚. clo 5 n w. 55˚ calm s w. rain 
rain at 1 oclock again toward evening.

Transcription Notes:
Yes, it is "magnatising". He talks about doing this elsewhere in the diary as a "medical" treatment.