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May 1864.
[[underlined]] Thursday 12.[[/underlined]]. It has been a rainy day and I have been kept almost constantly in the house. James Patterson came down to see Mrs. Peale and brought something for her, dined with us. Mrs. Peale is rather better today, sat up in bed while I magnatised her back &c but is very weak.
54°. calm misty rain.  62°. calm s w rain.  61°. calm e rain.
[[underlined]] Friday 13. [[/underlined]] A load of Lime for Edward this morning. Harriet came from Phila. at noon to see Mrs. Peale.
It has been raining nearly all day occasional thunder as yesterday. Mrs. Peale is much better today especially this afternoon after I magnetised her back.
Burd came this evening to see his mother.  He left May rather better, she still has a caugh, and pain in her bowels. 
63˚. calm s e mist. 69˚. s e clo 9 s e. 65˚. s e rain.  It has rained off and on during the day heavy thunder this afternoon.
[[underlined]] Saturday 14. [[/underlined]] I wed a little this afternoon among the strawberries. Burd went this afternoon to Philadelphia.  It has been drizzling the greater part of the day.
Mrs. Peale is much the same as yesterday but very weak. I pricked out some cabbages and tomatos to harden.
63˚. s e rain. 70˚. s e sprinkling of rain. 65˚. s e sprinkling of rain.
[[underlined]] Sunday 15. [[/underlined]]  It has rained most of the day & hard in the afternoon.  Mrs. Peale has not been so well today. Mrs. B. Pott & her grandson Vastine came to see Mrs. Peale this afternoon.
63˚. s e misty rain. 69˚. s e clo 9 e. 64˚. s e, clo 10.
[[underlined]] Monday 16. [[/underlined]]  I have been with Mrs. Peale a good part of the day as she has been very weak and feble she required much rubbing and magnetising to seep up circulation in her limbs.  this afternoon she seems a little better but very low and seems to be without pain, in the morning much inclined to sleep.
Had my painting-room and parlour cleaned and some of the plants put out.
Edward was much absent and I had to be with persons wanting mowers and rakes, &c.
61˚. calm s e, clo 10 s e. 70˚. calm e clo 5 s e. begun to clear off this afternoon & at sunset almost clear.  65˚. clo 9 s e. 
[[underlined]] Tuesday 17.[[/underlined]] Mrs. Peale is more reduced today, she is remarkably weak and feble.  Dr. Carpenter and Dr. Shannan were in consultation this afternoon. They think the disease