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November 1864
[[underline]] Friday 18. [[/underline]] I commenced a new picture N 107 a coppey of a Sketch by Mr. Moran for him to give me lessens on I expected him today but he didnot come. I painted all the morning on it. 
This evening my niece Josephine Zell & her husband called to see us they have just come back from Delaware, they have been looking for a farm, he thinks of settling there.
52°. calm w misty. 55°. calm rain. 50°. calm w clo 10.
[[underline]] Saturday 19. [[/underline]] I painted all the morning on No. 106. called at Mr. Knuz to return a canvas which is not good 19 by 27. and called to see if Mr. Earl had sent the picture of Washington to Joseph Patterson with the frame. hed had sent it by the Express yesterday. Then see about glass shades for my Partredges in 5 [[superscript]] [[h?]] [[/superscript]] other Matters Last night Burd sent his carriage for Mary at 12 oclock she got out of bed and went, May had expressed a wish to see her, I have not heard from Mary today.
Got a letter for Mary today from John Shippen President of the Miners Bank inclosing a proxy for [[?]] vote for the making it a National Bank &c--
Charles and Harriet spent a part of this evening with 
44°. calm w, clo 10. 47°. calm, clear. 44°. calm ne, clo 3.
[[underline]] Sunday 20th. [[/underline]] Early this morning I got a note from Mary dated Holmesburg Saturday evening, 19h. Viz. "Dr. Father. I found May in a very happy stated of mind last evening, this morning she commenced suffering and it was dreadful but this morning at 20 minutes after six she left us. very peaceful & calm.
           Your attached daughter"
About [[blank space for time to be filled in]] an allarm of fire occurred and a dence smoke appeared n.w of here, the statehouse bell indicated close by. I therefore put o my overcoat and went out. I found it to be in 6th. a little above market west side, a blind manufactory, the smoke issuing from the upper front windows was very dence and sufficating, my eyes were running a stream of tears, I left the spot as soon as the Fire Engines were in full blast, this has been my first view of them in operation, they produced nearly as much smoke as the fire did, by the use of very combustible materials, pine wood and vorin &c.
Wrote several letters today.
41°. calm nw clo 10 nw. 50°. ne clo 10. 47°. calm ne misty