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[[Left column]]
[[underlined]] Flower seeds. [[/underlined]]
Stock Jelly flowers.
+ Everlasting flower.
+ White-Egg Plant. H B.
+ French Marygold
+ Double Aster.
White Petunia
+ __Mrs. Levan
Clove Pink
+ Double Poppey
Red cockscomb
+ Daily Hibiscus
+ Sweet William
+ Balsom (Ladyeslippe)
+ Summer morningglory
+ Scarled Balsom
Mixed seeds (Mrs. Paxton)
Drummond Hock.
+ Crimson Morning glory 
+ Benne seed.
+ Chrysanthium pinnatus
+ Hyacinth floweray Lark-Spur
+ Yellow Everlasting flower.
+ Piramedical G. Astor.
+ Marvel of Peru.
+ Manuneta fr Calafornia
+ Superb Camilia [[?]] Balsom
+ E. Heartsease
+ Nastertium
+ Verbaina
+Nemophila insigas.
+ Scarlet Lychnis 

[[Right column]]
[[underlined]] Garden [[/underlined]]
+ Orange Carrot. 
+ Salsafy or Oyster-plant. 
+ L. Okra. 
+ Turnip-rooted Beet. 
L. Blood Beet. 
+ Sage
+ Cucumber
. Coriander
+ Radish
+ Sweet marjoram. 
+ Lettuce. 
+ Summer savory. 
+ Round Spin[[strikethrough]]n[[/strikethrough]]ach [[Spinach]]
+ New Zelan Spin[[strikethrough]]n[[/strikethrough]]ach 
+ English Lambsquarter
+ Red -- do. [[ditto for: Lambsquarter]]
+ Black-eye Marrowfat Pea
+ Knights Imperial Pea. 
+ Onion for drawing out
+ Sugar Parsnip
+ Golden citern musk melon. 
Sweet Bazil.
+ Cabbage. 
+ White solid celery.  HB.
Lima Bean
Horticultural Bean
Black Bean
White & red Bean (Mrs. Whitney)
+Valentine Bean
Cranbery Bean
Quaker Bean
Yellow Bean
Red pole Bean.
Red China Bean
        over -