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December 1864.
[[underlined]] Wednesday 7. [[/underlined]] I painted a good part of the morning but it was so dark the colours could hardly be distinguished I was painting on the sketch that Mr. Moran left for me to practice on N. 109. Mary outlined another Washington and painted a little on her Sea piece. She got a note from Burd wishing her to go to Holmesburd as he is out of a Maid Edward and Louisia expects to be there tomorrow to spend a few days with him. 
It has been raining all day and yet Mary went this afternoon.
43°. n e fog, rain. 56°. calm clo 30. s. 60°. calm clo 9 s w.
[[underlined]] Thursday 8. [[/underlined]] I painted all the morning on the sketch N. 109 this is a good subject to practice upon to give me fredom in the use colour. I have always used too little.
Mary came home from Holmesburg just before dinner. Miss Catharine Levan and her [[strikethrough]] sister [[Huntizinger]] [[/strikethrough]] friend Miss Bast called and as Mary had not got home, they called this afternoon again. Edward came from Holmesburg this evening
40°. calm w, clo 3 w. 35°. w, clear. 30°. n w clo 3 w.
[[underlined]] Friday 9th. [[/underlined]] I painted all the morning on N. 108 Sea Piece by Morand. Edward & Louisia called this afternoon. 
19°. calm, clear. 28°. n w, clear. 31°. n w, clo 10.
[[underlined]] Saturday 10. [[/underlined]] I painted all the morning on N 108 & N. 109. 
[[left margin note]] snow. [[/margin note]] quite a deep snow fell last night to the depth of 3 or 4 inches which has made the walking very unpleasant
Frederic Patterson called this morning and this afternoon Burd, Charles, Albert & Eddy Patterson, Mary and Emma went to the Germonia with him. They were  much pleased with the Music.
Mary commenced a copy of her portrait by Rembt. for William Patterson this morning out-lined it with pencle. The Miss Stodarts came up after I returned to bed.
[[underlined]] snow. [[/underlined]] 38°. clo 10. 37°. calm n e clo 10.
[[underlined]] Sunday 11th. [[/underlined]] It rained all the morning and I was housed the walking very slushy, snow thawing very fast.
Mary went to church and dined at Mr. Tatham's!
got home in time for tea. I have been reading [[underlined]] Lights and shadows of Artists Life and Characters [[/underlined]] by James Smith, 1853.
36°. n e rain. 37°. calm clo 10. 32°. n w, clo 10.