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total from previous page
[[underline]]38.10[[underline]] total this page

38.10 [[written alone near bottom of page]]
[[end page]]

[[start page]]

[[dates and vertical lines same as prior entry]]

9. Mar 22 camera shade, lens filter
  and adapter ring  7.35

10. tips (for porters)  1.00

11. pocket watch no receipt  2.25

12 Mar 22 6 eel pot funnels 3.40

13. Mar. 21 lunch + tip  1.00

14. Mar 24 Hotel Estoril 10.50

15. Apr. 1 letter to Schultz  .40
16. Apr. 3 sweater at Bahrein 35 rup [[?]] 10.00

17. Laundry Apr. 14  .40 [[overwriting what was originally .50]]

18. specimens 4/26 2 reals  .60

19. specimens 4/27 4 reals  1.20