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[[stamped]] B*-01.10 -05835 Aug -7 1924 [[/stamped]]

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"For Prize Contest"
Sayre, Pa.,
July 29,1924
W.Atlee Burpee Co.

Dear Sirs,
I hardly know how to express in two hundred words what Burpee's seeds have done for me.

Three years ago I was left with six children to support and educate. We live on a small farm near a large town. My husband had raised garden truck so I determined to follow this line of business 
I purchased a small green house twenty by thirty feet. and went to work. I secured catalogues from several seed Co.'s among which was Burpee's. Side by side I tested several varieties from these seed Co's along with Burpee's and I want to say that they could not compare in any way with Burpee's.
[[stamped]] OVER [[/stamped]]