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[[stamped]] AUG -8 1924 [[/stamped]]

For The Prize Contest
What Burpee's seeds have done for me.

In my child-hood days forty-eight-years ago. I grew my first garden from Burpee's seeds = Every year since = nearly every day = three times a day I have eat some delicious vegetable grown from Burpee's seeds = This means nearly 52,560 meals that I have enjoyed = During all these years, with the introduction of the many new novelties It has been my greatest delight to grow nice vegetables and beautiful flowers from the seeds that Burpee's seeds have produced = In my young girl hood days, when living on the wild prairie plains, It was the custom among my girlhood friends for our amusement, to run races to see who could grow the best vegetable and flower gardens, with much pleasure will say, I never failed to win the race with Burpee's seeds = After growing Burpee's seeds for nearly = half a century I find it will take many more then two hundred words to tell what Burpee's seeds have done for