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of their valuable acquisitions, they find themselves totally unprepared to proceed with that vigor which would render the Society respectable. They are therefore constrained to request such aid as will be considered perfectly compatible with the never-ceasing regard which has been exhibited by your honorable Houses to the utmost economy; for this will only bring into activity what may be considered as a latent good. There are two open pieces of ground, one to the South of Square 633, the other to the north of square 635 as laid down by dotted lines in King's map of the City. These belong to the Public, & if ceded to the Columbian Institute they might be laid off into building Lots, the disposed of for the benefit of this public Institution, and the proceeds laid out in such Improvements of the ground [[strikethrough]]already[[/strikethrough]] dedicated to the use of the Institute, as may be judged proper. The Society therefore respectfully beg leave to suggest that they be favored with a cession of the two open spaces abovementioned, to be laid out in conformity with the general plan of the City: and they further solicit from your honorable Houses the sole & exclusive right to occupy the remainder of the ground to the west of that now enclosed, which lies between the ceded ground and the Street that runs north and South [[strikethrough]]marked[[/strikethrough]][[insert]]laid down[[/insert]] in the map of the City as 1[[superscript]][[underlined]]st[[/underlined]][[/superscript]] Street west [[insert]]on the same Terms as before granted, which would[[/insert]][[strikethrough]]which would[[/strikethrough]] not only preserve the ground free from intrusion (by its being surrounded with Streets) but it would add greatly to the value of the whole appropriation, by giving more extent to the various designated portions for the Forest Trees & plants of this very extensive [[strikethrough]]Empire.[[drawing of an underscore line]][[/strikethrough]] Republic. [[drawing of a underscore line]] 

Submitted with the greatest respect & consideration by, [[???]]

City of Wash. 6.[[superscript]]th[[/superscript]] Feby 1822
[[curly bracket to right of final line]]