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Washington City, D.C. Novr. 3d 1817

Joseph Anderson Esq.

Permit me to remind you that at the late stated Meeting of the Columbian Institute, for the 6th ult it was "Resolved" "that a Committee be appointed to form a Code of Bye-Laws for this Society,-the former Committee "on that subject being considered as virtually dissolved;- that the said Committee shall consist of "[[underlined]] three [[/underlined]] Members and that the President of the Institute shall nominate them at the present meeting:
"whereupon, Judge Anderson,          } 
           "Doctor Hunter,-and       }were accordingly 
          "Benjamin Homans, Esq.     }nominated to perform
                                     }that Duty"

    the above is a true Extract from the Minutes of proceedings at the meeting ^[[insertion]] of the Institute [[/insertion]] abovementioned; to which allow me to add my Respectful salutations.-
[[signature]] Nat. Cutting [[/signature]]