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- 10 - I am trying hard to get a good collection this summer. If I do not succeed, it will not be because we have not worked hard. I got a total of ten birds today, but [[underlined]] h [[/underlined]] ^[[k]]illed others that could not be found because of dense underbrush. This afternoon we went hunting in woods so thick that a human being could hardly get through. July 7. I shot two birds before breakfast. After breakfast we went hunting through the dense jungle-woods, then climbed to the top of this mountain, which is about 14000 feet high. We have been looking for mammals, especially the white bear, but so far success has not been achieved. It seems to me that we are getting the finest catch of insects I ever secured on a summer expedition. I am going to the city, to go from there to another location, but the aborigine hunters will continue to hunt, and bring in any specimens they secure. July 8. We got down to the city about noon. Secured two small mammals, Nos. 259-260, and about eleven birds, besides insects. Yang Fong Tsang has killed over twenty birds since I went to the mountain. Chen Gih Yuen has filled four boxes with insects. Several snakes have been secured. Labelled boxes 329-336. We had a hard time engaging coolies and had to secure the help of the local militia officer. I want to get off to higher altitudes tomorrow, rather than spending a day here where it is less fruitful. Tonight we caught the largest number of night moths and beetles that I have yet secured in China. If our catch of insects this summer does not interest and satisfy the Smithsonian curators, I'll "miss my guess." Several snakes were secured by Chen Gih Yuen and the skinner Ho during my recent trip. During the last four days we have filled eight boxed of insects. (I skinned 14 birds-Ho, the rest). The insects caught tonight should fill two boxes. July 9. On the Ningyuenfu trip we were very badly handicapped on account of draught during the first half of the journey, and heavy rains during the second half. This summer it is just the opposite. Since reaching Mupin there has been fog a great deal of the time, and rain almost every day. Last night it rained hard all night, so that the roads are muddy, and the streams are swollen. This morning it is still raining, so that we can do nothing but take care of the moths caught last night. We hope to get started later in the day.