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Diary number eight, concerning the collecting of natural history specimens for the Smithsonian Institution by David Crockett Graham, beginning August 16, 1929. There have been 404 boxes labelled, containing specimens, and 307 mammal skins to date. - - - - - Aug. 16, 1929. Labelled box 405, frogs, collected at Suifu before the trip to Mupin. Box 406, insects in formalin, collected on the Mupin-Ornei collecting trip. Mailed twelve boxes to the American Express Company by parcel post. Spent most of the day looking after specimens, working over accounts, etc. Tomorrow the carpenter will make some boxes to contain the bear skins, some skeletons, etc. Aug. 17. Packed and labelled boxes 407 frogs, 408 frogs, 409 frogs, 410 animal skins, 411 shrimp, etc. 412 frogs, 413 snakes, 414 frogs. Mailed 14 packages of specimens. This makes a total of eighty-six packages of specimens mailed since starting on the Mupin trip. Labelled box 415, deer skins, 416 skeletons. Aug. 19. Filled and labelled box no.417, white bear skin, also boxes 418-419, also white bear skins. I have sent all the above to the post office to be handled by parcel post.