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Jan. 23. I managed to find time to label and rewrap all the birds and some of the mammals secured.on Mt. Omei. Spent some time getting rid of the maggots on the wild boar skeletons. Mammals nos. 337 to 368 are all from Mt. Omei and Kiating. There are some very nice-looking birds, but the mammals, outside the wold boars, are rather commonplace.

Jan. 24. Very busy with conferences, but managed to find time to go over the rest of the specimens with Yang and Ho.

On the 26th of November they collected a tiny snake. They say it was snowing on the day when they caught this snake and that the altitude is probably 5000 feet or over. This story seems almost too strange to be true, but they declare it is true.

I reckoned accounts with Yang Fong Tsang so that he could go home and collect there during the next month.

Jan. 28. Purchased a large mammal, mammal no. 369.

Jan. 30. We are in the midst of foreign conference. During the past two weeks I have been very busy, since I have had to attend conferences and entertain guests, without my good wife to take the entertainment off my hands. The specimens taken on the recent collecting trip to M[[strikethrough]]r[[/strikethrough]]^[[t]]. Omei by Ho and Yang must be left here until my return from Chengtu. I must go to Chengtu to have dental work done. We leave Saturday and it will hustle me to get ready.

Jan. 31. Conference closed today. Sessions took up to ten o'clock. I worked until 3. A. M. getting ready for the Chengtu trip before getting to bed.

Feb. 1. We travelled to Lin^[[u]] Shih Pien. I hunted on shore, but got nothing. I shot at a flock of large gray cranes, but they were too far away and the ammunition was damp.

Feb. 2. We travelled as far as Gioh^[[5]] Chi^[[1]].

Feb. 3. We reached Yoh Bo. We are making rather slow progress.