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Feb. 28. Filled box 521, crane skeleton, mailed several boxes. Filled boxes 522-523, wild boar skeletons. Boxes 524-5, fish.

Mar. 1. Filled box 526, fish. 527-528, also fish. Mailed several boxes of specimens.

The messenger sent after Yang Fong Tsang has returned. There is a strong band of brigands near Yang's home. Yang has not dared to leave, lest there be a raid by brigands. However, he says that he will come soon, and leave on the Mupin trip.

Mar. 3. Filled boxes 529-530, skins of large cranes.

The man who was magistrate of Mupin last summer was a Suifu man. He has now returned and has called on me. He gave me the following facts.

The head-hunter (not a hunter of heads, but the chief hunter) whom I had last summer was carefully instructed by me how to skin a white bear. He said he would get me one this winter. He expected my men to go in December or January. When they did not go in, he sent the skin and bones of a well-preserved white panda out to Yachow and sold it to Dr. Crook, who will send it to the Roosevelt Brothers for the Field Museum. This was one big piece of bad luck.

Large bands of robbers are now threatening Yang Fong Tsang's home, so he has delayed longer than I expected his coming to Suifu in order to start on the Mupin trip.

March 4. Dried out some fish specimens, so that they could be mailed. Wrapped two boxes and labelled them. Bought a queer eel with a white stomach which is rare. It is called a white eel.

March 5. Mailed six boxes of specimens, making a total to date of 529. One has been packed but not mailed, a grand total of 530. We are having cold, rainy days.

March 6. More bad luck. There is another war in the Mupin district