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are ex-robbers.
We got some good insects.

April 17.  I stayed over today in Gioh Chi.  The opium crop is being reaped.  I saw a dense crowd on one of the main streets, concerned mostly with selling or buying opium.

April 18.  This morning at daybreak armed soldiers thoroughly searched the village of Gioh Chi, especially the inns, for it was feared that there might be robbers in the town.  Yesterday afternoon there were robberies near the city.  I thought it would be very strange if robbers were not operating on the river, robbing boats, between Gioh Chi and Wang Tsang today, in view of the large amount of opium being reaped from this year's opium crop.  Below Gioh Chi the river divides into a smaller northern branch and a larger southern branch.  Large boats all take the southern branch.  Here the robbers practically always make their attacks on the passing boats.  I had a small boat, and took the smaller northern branch.  A large boat ahead of us went into the southern branch, and failed to come out further down the river.  Apparently it met robbers, and we escaped by taking the northern route.  At Suifu I saw a soldier being taken out to be executed for desertion.

I spent a little time training Giang the netter. Purchased a white flycatcher.

April 19.  Measured one Chinese (anthropometrical).  Prepared to send Giang on a nine day collecting trip to the place that seems specially promising.  Purchased mammal No. 409.  Filled box 558, insects.

April 20.  Filled box 559, fish, 560 muscles or clams, 561-563 shrimp and insects.  Purchased one mammal. Mammal no. 410.

April 21.  Filled boxes 564, fish, insects, 565, mammal skin and birdskins. 566 insects, 567 freshwater clams, 568 insects.