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Since reaching Kiating I have been much under the weather, but am improving now.
I got a small frog that looks interesting.
July 4. We crossed a high hill or mountain and by rapid travelling reached a small village called Da^[[4]] Shin^[[1]] Tsang^[[2]], or Great New Village. I have been under the weather recently, so I have had to ride much of the time in a two-man sedan chair.
Today I shot only once, killing a black crow.
This is the Fourth of July, the anniversary of the day when our ancestors declared their political independance, while of course none of my ancestors were among the signers of that declaration, a direct ancestor on my mother's side was a commissioned officer under George Washington. I am a long way from the good old U. S. A., but I hope to end my last days in [[underlined]] "my" [[/underlined]] country.
We got some good day insects. Tonight the stars are shining.
Yang Fong Tsang and Ho^[[2]] [[strikethrough]]Siu ^[[Son]][[/strikethrough]] ^[[4]] Chuen went to sleep in an inn and got left quite a way behind before they woke up. We arrived in Yachow early. The carpenter Wang was waiting for me. To my surprise I found that Dr. and Mrs. Crook have not left for Tatsienlu and that there is a party of single ladies here, (two single ladies) and Dr. Kilborn, physician, and Dr. Mullett, dentist, all going to Tatsienlu on Monday. I will join up with them.
I am feeling much better already.
Today I engaged coolies for Tatsienlu. I will probably take two different collecting trips in Tatsienlu, one without Mr. Edgar, and one with him.
I had the carpenters make some boxes today, and we did some packing. I mailed boxes 666-669, all insects.
I visited the local magistrate and arranged for the escort for Monday, We will start Monday morning for Tibet.