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- 11 - There is a large black crow here that makes a peculiar noise that is beautiful. I have two specimens of this crow. July 25. We had a hard time getting started this morning. Some important men did not show up. A Tibetan guide pre[[strikethrough]]n[[/strikethrough]]tended he was about to die, and dared not come along. He is now as well as I am. I went to the "Devil Dance," after the pack animals got started. The Tibetans who own the animals decided that they would take the caravan to the Devil Dance. Mr. Edgar made them go on. They crossed the river by fording it. We made a fair stage and are settled for the night. In fording the river there was danger that all our baggage would get wet, and Mr. Edgar prevented it. We got some good butterflies and moths. July 25. We made a good trip. We are about 13200 feet high. On the way here, we were caught in a shower, but later it cleared up. After we reached this place, I heard a large pheasant, which the Chinese call a Ma Gi or horse pheasant, calling on the side of the mountain above. I went after it, but failed to find it. I saw a black woodpecker with a red head, a very rare bird. Stevens saw this bird last year. I saw two wild animals, but did not have the rifle along, nor any buck shot. We go only 30 li tomorrow. We ought to be in very rich territory. We killed four birds and one small mammal, mammal no. 475. The scenery has been beautiful, and the Tibetans have been very friendly and obliging. Practically all the Tibetans have the Mongolian slant to the eyes, and very dark skins, much darker than the Chinese. Practically all of them have dark or black hair. Some have straight hair, and some have hair that is very wavy or curly. July 26. We crossed the Zya-Ha-La Pass, which is about15900 feet in