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Dec. 6. I have been very busy during the past few days. There were no steamers, so I started down the Yangtse River on a small Chinese boat with Rev. G. Henderson of the Scotch Bible Society. 

Dec. 7. We travelled till after dark when someone from shore ordered us to come to shore. We did not. Six shots were shot at us. Then we went ashore and found it was the militia, who mistook us for robbers. 

Dec. 9. Reached Chungking.

Dec. 12. Left for Shanghai on the American through-steamer I TU.

Dec. 17. Steamer fired on by comm[[strikethrough]]o[[/strikethrough]] ^[[u]]nists at Temple Hill, below Shasi. Arrived at Shanghai Dec. 21.

Dec. 23. Seven boxes of birds and mammals are held up by the customs Chinese Government, permit necessary. They will be held up for weeks and I am delayed a day or two on their account.