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Under the operation of existing circumstances, I feel it a Duty to place in your hands as the legitimate [[stikethrough]] illegible word [[/strikethrough]] ^[[inserted over strikethrough]]Depository[[/inserted]] of the Authority of the Columbian Institute during its Recess, this premeditated and unequivocal Evidence of my full & free Resignation of the appointment and quality of "[[underlined]] Secretary of the Columbian Institute [[/underlined]]." I respectfully solicit you, therefore, to direct me where, or in whose hands, I shall deposit the Minutes accompanied by some other documents & two Blank Registers bound in Rough Calf, belonging to the Society & now in my possession.  I hold them subject to your Order.____

I pray you, Sir, to do me the favor to communicate to the Society, at its next meeting, the step which I now [[underlined]] deliberately [[/underlined]], but [[underlined]] resolutely [[/underlined]], take under the influence of paramount Duties.

I wish still to be considered as [[underlined]] a Resident Member [[/underlined]] of the Society and in that quality shall be happy at all times to contribute my poor mite for the promotion of its views and objects, which I firmly believe will ^[[insertion]] eventually [[/insertion]] prove of great public utility._

I have the honor to be, Sir, with high consideration & perfect esteem,

Your obedient Servant._

signed  Nat. Cutting._