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February 8, 1977

Mr. R.K. Sundaram'
Director International Wing
Geological Survey of India
27 Jawaharlal Nehru Road
[[underlined]]Calcutta 13[[/underlined]], India

Dear Mr. Sundaram,

It has been a long time since we have hdd any contact.  More than a year ago I was informed that you were to move away from Calcutta, but recently Mr. Dube informed me that you are still holding your previous position.  I sincerely hope that we shall then meet again.

Apparently the Smithsonian has approved funds for me and Dr. Milton to visit Calcutta and Lonar.  However, we do not wish to cause any inconveniences or significant changes in current plans.  Thus a letter from your office regarding this visit and the timing (i.e. early to middle March if at all possible?) would be most welcome.  We would wish to visit with you in Calcutta first for a briefing by you and colleagues of the current status and proceed to Lonar afterwards.  We are rather familiar with Lonar and thus, as I indicated in recent telegrams, we should be able to go more or less on our own.  On the other hand, any assistance from your or the Nagpur office or Mr. Dube will be most gratefully appreciated; but again, we hope not to cause any inconvenience.

Please accept my and my wife's warmest personal regards and best wishes.


Kurt Fredriksson
Division of Meteorites
