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AIRMAIL April 18, 1974 Amconsul, Calcutta To Whom it May Concern: Attached is a refund in the amount of Indian Rs 1328.00 which where kindly dispersed to cover possible overweight costs; the reason as I stated was that the GEBAT's issued could not (and have not) be used. However, the samples were handled by my colleagues and thus I had no expenditures for overweight. All this was to be stated in a regular travel voucher and unaccounted amounts refunded from a fund, in Indian Rs, set up in Calcutta. However, since it appears to be some accounting or bookkeeping difficulties I have arranged for this immediate refund. Please issue appropriate receipts. I greatly appreciate the courtesies and help I received from the staff at the Consulate. Sincerely, Kurt Fredriksson Geochemist Department of Mineral Sciences Washington, D.C.