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November 1, 1974 Professor S. Mukherji Qr. No. 7/4, D-Type Flat Unit IX Bhubaneswar-7 Orissa, India Dear Professor Mukherji, Thank you for your letter of October 9. I am glad to learn that you have received the information and application forms for a Smithsonian Postdoctoral Fellowship, and will be happy to act as your advisor in this regard. Your desire to work on the geochemistry of some igneous rocks is in line with the general research program of this department, and for which we have the necessary facilities. Since your recent work has been on an anorthosite-charnockite association, I would think that geochemical research on a suite of these rocks might be a rewarding project. However, if you have other projects in mind, please do not hesitate to put them forward. Sincerely yours, Brian Mason Curator Department of Mineral Sciences BM/ag