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[[blue airmail envelope]]

[[upper right quarter of page has the following line in a repeated ring around the edge]]
स्वतंत्रता दी 25वीं वर्षगांठ 25th Anniversary of Independence 1972

हवाई पत्र

[[postage in upper right corner]]

[[red postage stamp with "5P. पै." in the upper left corner, "FAMILY PLANNING" in upper right corner, silhouettes of a family (mother, father, two children), "परिवार नियोजन" in lower right corner, "भारत INDIA" along bottom edge]]

[[preprinted red postage with an image of an airplane over a globe, "85पै." in upper left corner, "85P." in upper right corner, "भारत" in lower left corner, "INDIA" in lower right corner]]

[[circular black stamp over both postages]]

[[lower left corner - image of a large building with a [[Indian?]] flag flying over it]]

Dr. S. Clarke, Jr. Editor 
Meteoritical Bulleting
Division of Meteorites
Smithsonian Institution
[[underlined]] WASHINGTON [[/underlined]], DC. 20560 

[[lower right quarter of page]]

दूसरा पोड़ SECOND FOLD

इस पत्र के अन्दर कुछ न ररिवये NO ENCLOSURES ALLOWED

भेजने वाले का नाम और पता :- Sender's Name and Address

भारत INDIA

Transcription Notes:
* The Hindi characters need a going over by someone that actually knows the language.