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November 20, 1973


Dr. M.K. Roy Choudhury
Director General 
Geological Survey of India
27 Jawaharlal Nehru Road
Calcutta 13, India

Dear Dr. Roy choudhury:

  Presumably Mr. Dube has by now reported to you on our laboratory work. A summary report is being prepared but will be somewhat delayed because our key technician is rather seriously ill and will not be back for perhaps two weeks. In the meantime I shall attempt to have some Tables copied and sent by airmail to Mr. Dube.

  Mr. Dube also met with Dr. Milton here and we all discussed the current, very interesting field relations, especially with regard to ejecta and fallout around the smaller crater. I believe it would be very worthwhile if Dr. Milton could come out to the crater once more together with Mr. Dube (and any of your other officers interested) perhaps for ten days around the middle or end of January. I believe they could then prepare a rather definitive interpretation of the field work as a GSI report or publication.

  If it is agreeable to you, I would also like to join the field party for a few days and then come to Calcutta with our completed laboratory data, including some Moon sample analyses, in order to prepare a major, publishable report. this may also yield an opportunity to discuss the possibility of some further cooperation in the study of Moon samples if this is still of interest to you and some of your colleagues. At that time I should also know more about NASA's intentions which presently are obscure.

  In any case this would not be the last word on Lonar, but I believe that remaining petrographic and mineralogical work on the cores can be very well pursued in your laboratories. In that respect a request by Professor S.W. Kieffer of the Department of Geology, University of California, may be of interest. I do not