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[[blue air mail envelope]]


[[postage stamp with image of two women dancing in the middle, "पै. P. 50" in lower left corner, "भारत INDIA" in lower right corner]]

[[postage stamp with image of Radha (Bani Thani), Kishangarh painting, "पै. P. 20" in the lower left corner, "राधा किशनगढ़ RADHA-KISHANGARH" "भारत INDIA" in lower right corner]]

[[green postage stamp with image of woman picking tea in the middle, "0.15" in the upper right corner, "STOCKING TEA" in upper left corner, "चाय चयन" in lower right corner, "भारत INDIA" along bottom]]

Dr.Roy. Clarke, Jr.
Division of Meteorites
National Museium of Natural History
Smithsonian Institution
Washington, D.C 20560

भेजने वाले का नाम और पता :- Sender's Name and Address :-

Prof. P.S. Goel
Chemistry Department
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
I.I.T Post Office
Kanpur - 208016,(India)

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