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INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY KANPUR 11 T POST OFFICE, KANPUR-16, INDIA DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY May 3, 1973 Dr. Roy S. Clarke, Jr. Curator Division of Meteorites National Museum of Natural History Smithsonian Institution Washington, D.C. 20560 U.S.A. Dear Roy: When I met you in March, you had told me that you would be sending our meorite samples soon. I had also put in a request with you for some chosen Australite samples. We need some more samples. But before I add more to your work I would like to get the earlier request completed. I hope your new catalogue will be mailed to me soon, if not already sent. That would help us a lot in making proper lists. Let me take this apportunity to express my gratitude to you for the coutesey extended to me during my visit to the museum. With best regards Yours sincerely ^[[Parma]] Parma Goel Associate Professor