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[[image - preprinted seal with "BRITISH MUSEUM" along top edge and "NATURAL HISTORY" along bottom edge]]

Cromwell Road, London S.W.7
Telegrams: Nathismus Southkens London
Telephone: KENsington 6323[[/preprinted]]

June 4 '73.

Dear George,

I hear from Bill that you are editing the Magnum Opus mark II from the department. As his letter came sea mail I have only just received it. How do you want the diagrams? I have drawn them so I can do 11" x 8" glossies if you would prefer these to my best pencil work. When do you expect to get it out? I have already a slightly amended manuscript (I forgot Cao in the table!)

How is Washington? No doubt beginning to warm up. London is treating us well. Except for the density of population we are coming back to the English way of living fairly painlessly.

I heard from Brian that you may be travelling to S.A. via London. If so you should allow some time for us to meet again. Bob F. evidently has plans of visiting us as he sent a "Home Brewing made Easy for Better Beer" to us. It was dispatched on April 1st, or Friday 13th of some month so he may be thinking of Helen's insides but I doubt it. We are both well despite the National Health Service fatiguing Helen.