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reaches Kizii, settler named Clutterbuck at Molo. sun very trying. vivid descriptions on way. Nov 10 "Great day! Left Camp at 7 a.m. & by 8 a.m. we had killed a big Bull Elephant.  Shall never forget sensation of first sight of elephant at close quarters". describes in great detail.  "Found track of a Bongo in the jungle". Egyptian Geese.  "Another blank day". "despair in our running short". "awfull grass jungle". Major Carnegie's Farm. kills Topi & Kongoni. "met young Kermit Roosevelt" (at Njoro). who'd shot [[underline]] 2 [[/underline]] Bongo.  "Wonderful luck a very nice boy, hard as nails & open as anything. no side at all.  He had got 48 different Mamals in 8 months & was then on his way to Mombasa to get a Sable in the Shimba hills.  Lord Delamere (Hugh Cholmondeley. pioneer settler in Kenya; owned 100,000 acres in Njoro district, inaugurated research on wheat breeding). "Found Delamere was out with Roosevelt trying to get a Bongo", shoots a Bustard; "Perhaps we may run across a lion", passed a gold prospecting Safari, kills Cheetah, L. shoots Kongoni, Zebra, warthogs, hyena, jackels: L. shoots a Chandler's Reed buck", "unfortunately a doe", Eland herd, L. gets 1 lioness, at end of 16 days Safari had killed 28 beasts "I have done

contd ...

Transcription Notes:
@siobhanleachman - You are doing the right thing keeping any spelling mistakes in the text. You don't need to add [[sic]] though. Hope this helps.