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Malimu had managed to break the lens of my telescopic sight. This to add to my happy feelings! So I had to use L's which he had left for me. The focus is different & the rifle of course different, but the result seems satisfactory so far. Feel a different man tonight & hope to sleep. I shall be as fit as ever in 2 days I expect though I feel a bit washed out now.

[[underlined]] Jan 1st. New Years day. [[/underlined]]

Marched at 6, & [[strikethrough]] am [[/strikethrough]] encamped on the Gilgil Road at 10.30. Could get on no farther today as there is no water [[strikethrough]] S [[/strikethrough]] under several hour's march. Feeling quite fit again, though still a little weak. No game here, so did not leave camp this afternoon. I would give much to have a good sleep.

[[underlined]] Jan 2. [[/underlined]]
A sad day! Luck turned for a final effort & gave me a chance for my second Eland, but I failed to take it.
Marched at 6 am & about 9.30, on emerging