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2 valleys, up both of which the buffs entered the forest. As it got lighter we made out 3 feeding just below us. C & I immediately went down as quietly as possible whilst Bates watched from the top.
We seem[[strikethrough]]l[[/strikethrough]]ed to make a good deal of noise as the Hill side was very slippery & quite bare except for loose stones. I took the first shot & the buff lurched forward when C gave him another & [[strikethrough]] s [[/strikethrough]] he disappeared in the bush. The other two dashed in, but came out immediately and we started on the heaviest & biggest. 
He rolled away a short distance very sick & it was some time before we could make him out as he was not in the thick bush the first had gone into.
We got in close gradually, but it was some time before we could make him out lying down behind a thick tree.  He got up when we were within 20 yeards & a fusilade finished him. I think he was too sick to charge, but anyhow we did not give him a chance. By the time we had skinned him the porters arrived & we started to search for the other. We very soon found him stone dead. He must have died at once as the two bullets were close together behind the shoulder. They were two