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dimensions & directions which cannot be mistaken.

But if you do not proceed Sir a positive & peremptory manner [[underlined]] with ordinary [[/underlined]] workmen you will no more get them to follow orders, than the Doctor could his french Cook, to serve up a Goose or a Sow's stomach after the manner of the Ancients.
[[image - a vertical spiral between the period of the last sentence and the first word of the next sentence]]

When you have erected your Edifice, The title [[underlined]] Columbian Institute [[/underlined]], will look well in large letters  in the centre of the Entablature in front of the Pronaos.

The position of the edifice should be, as your ground is, the pronaos fronting the North. this is the position of the Maison Carrée.

As to the Interior arrangement I take no great interest. It must be [[decided?]] for [[underlined]] convenience [[/underlined]].

Love to all.
Affectely Yrs.
H. Meigs.

Hon Jos Meigs.

[[The following is different handwriting horizontally in the lower right corner]]

From H. Meigs to Josiah Meigs, inclosing a plan for an Edifice for the Columbian Institute.
dated 7th June, 1820.