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This vein as now exposed is about three feet in depth, forty feet in length, and its extent into the Island unknown. It is parallel to the adjacent rocks, and horizontal to the waters of the Lake. It consists of the regularly chrystalized, the fibrous, and the foliated Sulphate of Strontian, unmixed with any foreign matter whatever, other than a little clay, in the cavities, or between the interstices of chrystals.

The chrystals partake of all the forms described in the works of Profr Cleveland, under this head, and of some others arising from singular combinations, preserving however like angles.

They are sometimes in masses forming steps, and cuneiform. They are opaque, translucent, and  beautifully transparent: are iridescent, and of double refraction; are white, bluish white, and occasionally tinged with  green. The tabular chrystals of six sides, with summits of four sides, are usually the most limpid. They are of various sizes. The largest perfect tabular chrystal I possess is six inches long, three inches wide, and two and a half inches thick. Fragments of chrystals were obtained, that belonged to some, of much  larger dimensions. I took away

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the summit of a chrystal simply, that is five inches wide.

Fibrous Sulphate of Strontian. This variety abounds in the same vein. The fibres are parallel to each other, and commonly perpendicular to the limestone bed. It is of a pure white, always having a strong lustre; and is sometimes a compound of translucent and transparent fibres, forming beautiful specimens. It is also iridescent. This variety may be had in masses of any size, not to exceed too great a bulk to support its own specific gravity - 

Foliated Sulphate of Strontian. This variety is found in the same vein. I regret that a specimen does not accompany this description. It [[strikethrough]] is [[/strikethrough]] occurs in better specimens, detached from the vein, in cavities of the lime stone. Grosse Isle Detroit River, is perhaps the best locality for this variety - It is there found in handsome fascicular groupes. The chrystals are translucent and transparent, and vary from white to dark blue.

I should be gratified to lay before the Institute, and account of the minerals, fossils, and organic Remains, that I have been led to observe, and collect, upon the

Transcription Notes:
Strontium was referred to at the time as Strontian.