Viewing page 68 of 75

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Wages are very low at Bolemos in fact all over Mexico. At the mine they buy a women to do house work 200 a week but the usual price on the ranches is 100 a month and board.
Miners are paid .50 a day


[[underlined]] Use [[underlined]] rose leaf to cure headache 
Also vanella bean is ground an put on paper & used for the same purpose.

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[underline]] 67 [[/underline]] 
The Indians bring down mule loads of Ocote [[strikethrough]] a [[/strikethrough]] (pitch bins) which they sell for about 25 per load. One man owns all the mules of the tribe which he hires for 12 each a mules either
to go to Bolenos Zacatecas or Guadalajara.
 - Ocote used [[strikethrough]] for [[/strikethrough]] in place of [[underlined]] candles [[/underlined]].
[[Amoe?]] is brought down by Indians [[image - arrow indication insertion]] [[insertion]] [This plant is used as a soap especially for dish washing etc] [[/insertion]]

At Bolemos is a peculiar fig tree (no [[blank space]] )
It grows on [[insertion]] the side [[/insertion]] a cliff of almost solid rock The trunk is flat and thin being 30 wide and 6 in thick

Transcription Notes:
First page written from crease down, as if notebook was folded back on itself @siobhanleachman - think missing word in last sentence is "thin"