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New York July 17. 1821.
I have received your polite letter informing me of my election as a Corresponding Member of the Columbian Institute on the 2[[superscript]]d[[/superscript]]. of June last.
I acknowledge the strong sense I have of the honour which has been given by the Institute, to my humble self; and that I shall not cease to feel the most ardent desire to contribute all within the compass of my feeble ability, to the prosperity of this most interesting Society.
Accept my sincere thanks for the polite terms in which you have communicated to me the fact of my election, and be assured that I am with great esteem & respect Sir
Your Ob[[superscript]]t[[/superscript]]. Serv[[superscript]]t[[/superscript]]. 
H. Meigs.

Asbury Dickins Esq.
Sec[[superscript]]y[[/superscript]]. of the Columbian Institute. [[image - wavy line vertically connecting these last two lines of text]]