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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
3267522LMWF 3419 30+22.016 303 00 E+22.017 1545May 20-21 1942
3267523LMWF 4220 20+29.717 193 01 E+29.718 0445May 20-21 1942
3267524LHLF 37721 00+5.218 062 54 E+5.218 5145May 20-21 1942
3267525LHLF 55621 55-54.818 543 01 E-54.819 3945May 20-21 1942
3267526LHLF 56122 50-24.819 423 08 E-24.820 2745May 20-21 1942
3267527LMWF 26523 50-12.820 303 20 E-12.821 1545May 20-21 1942
3267528PPole17 07-90.016 370 30 E-90.017 3760May 22-23 1942Clouds 3m trails at end.
3267529L1GHSR D1019 02-14.916 023 00 E-14.916 2220May 27-28 19428"x10" I.G. spc. plates with yellow filter & grating. Double exps. on same plate spaced by 1/3 rev. in dec. Exp. timed accurately. Plates from same box & put tog. so as to be dev. tog. Moon 12 days.
32L1GHSR D1019 02-14.916 232 39 E-14.916 4320May 27-28 1942
32L1GHSR C917 02+15.016 450 17 E+15.017 0520May 27-28 1942
3267530L1GHSR C917 02+15.017 060 04 W+15.017 2620May 27-28 19428"x10" I.G. spc. plates with yellow filter & grating. Double exps. on same plate spaced by 1/3 rev. in dec. Exp. timed accurately. Plates from same box & put tog. so as to be dev. tog. Moon 12 days.
32L1GHSR C917 02+15.017 270 25 W+15.017 4720May 27-28 1942
32L1GHSR D1019 02-14.917 481 14 E-14.918 0820May 27-28 1942
3267531LHLF 36617 45-65.020 182 33 W-65.021 0345May 27-28 1942Damp. Dew cap heater on.
3267532LMWF 22218 45-7.921 052 20 W-7.921 5045May 27-28 1942
3267533LHLF 3509 00-5.211 002 00 W-5.211 4545Jun 02-03 1942
3267534LMWF 169 35-25.311 482 13 W-25.312 3345Jun 02-03 1942
3267535LMWF 25310 45-25.212 361 51 W-25.213 2145Jun 02-03 1942