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solidity of its masonry, but it constantly loses water by percolation. This reservoir contains 2,665,000 Cubic metres of water. The Basin of Naurouse contains 444,000 cubic metres of water.
The navigable line of the Canal du Midi is 275,236 metres, and that of all its Feeders is 80,669 metres.
The breadth of water surface in the canal of navigation is 19 metres and an half except where it is cut in rock, where this width is much diminished. On the navigable line 9800 metres are excavated in rock. There are 62 locks on the whole line, and the rise and fall of the whole line is 252 metres.
The prices for the execution of the Feeders and canal were contracted for at 30 livres the running toise for "Rigole de la Montagne„ 10 livres the running toise for "Rigole de la Plaine„ and 30 livres the running toise for the navigable line. The Locks were contracted for at 15000 livres each. Andreossy remarks that the same Locks would cost in his time 50000 livres each.
The wages of the Labourers on the Canal were 8 and 9 Sous a day. There were employed upon it during the 14 years of its construction, 8000