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on the Canal, in the ratio of [[underlined]]6. to 1.[[/underlined]
The toll established in 1684 continued to be taken until the Revolution when it was not materially altered That toll was about 3 cents per ton per mile, or 2 centimes, 1,137,076 for a distance of 5 kilometres for a weight of 5 Myriagrammes of all merchandise except some articles specifically charged with toll.
The grain [[strikeout]]exported[[/strikeout]] [[insertion]] conveyed [[/insertion]] on the Canal furnishes about two thirds of its revenue. From the Port of Agde at its mouth on the Mediterranean, 600,000 bushels have been exported in 7 months.
The annual repairs of the Canal require an interruption of intercourse of about 45 days.
The greatest length of canal between two Locks is 53747 ^[[insertion]] metres [[/insertion]] from the Lock of Argens to that of Fonserane.
The annual expences of the Canal average for 106 years nearly 50000 Dollars [[?]]
I am Dear Sir with great respect
Your most Obedient Servant
H. Meigs
[[following two lines have a squiggly line to the right]]
Asbury Dickins Esquire
Secretary of the Colombian Institute.
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