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Delaware 3rd Month 2nd 1822.
Worthy Friend
I take the liberty of doing myself the pleasure of sending the with my monthly return, a small sample of a large body of beautiful Gypsum discovered and purchased, last fall in the Delaware District. It lies in Section N[[superscript]]o[[/superscript]] 10. in the Township N[[superscript]]o[[/superscript]] 6. of range N[[superscript]]o[[/superscript]] 17. on the peninsula on the north side of Sandusky bay I am informed by one of the fortunate purchasers (a resident of Ohio, the other residing  in in the state of New York which is confirmed by a number of persons who have seen it, that it makes many acres of the bottom of the Bay when the water is very shallow, and covers many more of the dry land, and is known to extend a considerable distance further, but little below the surface of the ground. It is said to be sufficient for any demand, for increasing the fertility of our land, (already rich, but well adapted to the use of Plaister) or for exportation along the shores of our extensive inland seas and rivers, through the great Western Canal in New York or any others which may be made.- It no doubt will [[strikethrough]] will [[/strikethrough]] much inhance the value and tend to promote the sale of the lands in our District ~
We have lately had a reappearance of considerable quantities of Pidgeons which I am informed