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Washington City. D.C. July 22[[superscript]]d[[/superscript]]. 1823._____

Mr. Eugene Vail.


      I did not arrive at my Office yesterday, until [[underlined]]past Twelve o' Clock[[/underlined]]; and during the Hours I remained there afterwards, I was so closely occupied by Public Concerns,-- that I could not then reply to your friendly Communication which awaited me on my Desk.-- 
    By the Copy of a Resolution of the [[underlined]]Columbian Institute[[/underlined]] which you were pleased to transmit for my information,-- I perceive you are one of a Committee of that respectable Association appointed to ascertain whether, or not, certain Persons, [[underlined]]heretofore[[/underlined]] Members of that Institution, wish still to be considered as belonging to it, under its present organization?---
    I feel much obliged by the kind condescension of the Committee in submitting this alternative to my option: and beg leave to remark that during a period of nearly seven years last past, I have resided principally in the Country adjacent to the Metropolis, at a distance of four to five miles; which rendered it extremely inconvenient for me to attend the stated Meetings of the Society; I do not remember distinctly that I [[underlined]]formally[[/underlined]] bade adieu to the [[underlined]]Association[[/underlined]], or that [[underlined]]it formally[[/underlined]] dismissed [[underlined]]me[[/underlined]] as an unworthy member; but I have some faint recollection of having long ago imparted such [[underlined]]an intention[[/underlined]] to the late President Meigs. 
    Whether I did so, or not, is not very important at this moment; but as I still continue to reside at a distance of nearly five miles from the Capitol, I must beg leave to be considered, definitively, as [[underlined]]not being a Member of the Columbian Institute[[/underlined]].
    This Institution always has had, and always will have, my best wishes for success in its laudable Endeavours to promote Science & the Useful Arts; and may each Individual Member long enjoy the consciousness of having [[underlined]]deserved well of his Country[[/underlined]] by his personal exertions to benefit Society!

I am, with due Respect, 
Sir, Your obed[[superscript]]t[[/superscript]]. hum[[superscript]]l[[/superscript]]. Serv[[superscript]]t[[/superscript]]. 
Nat. Cutting.
[[Signature is ornamented with an assortments of curlicues]]

P.S. The Resolve is inclosed as 
you requested.