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Beginning January 27, 1924, and ending September 21, 1924. Relating to the collecting of natural history specimens for the Smithsonian Institution by --

David C. Graham

January 27, 1924. About this time I was on my way to Yachow. Secured the white stork. It was in a flock of smaller white storks, so that the Chinese called it the king of the small storks. 

February 4, 1924. About this time I came down the Ya River to Kiating. This river is famous for its fine duck hunting. It is the best river for duck hunting in Szechuan. 

February 25, 1924. About this time I was at Chengtu, and came down the Min River to Kiating, securing some interesting specimens. 

March 6, 1924. Came down the Min River from Kiating to Suifu. 

April 14, 1924. Went on a two-hours hunting trip. Killed ten birds. Two were new to my collecting. The best skinner was busy and could not help. The other skinner did poor work, and argued that better work could not be done. I'll try giving all the work to the better skinner for awhile and see if the other skinner will wake up and do better. First steamer departed. Larger ones should come soon. 

April 15, 1924. As soon as the larger steamers arrive it will be safe to forward the shipment of 710 birdskins. 

April 16, 1924. So cold and rainy that the netter could not go out to work.

April 17, 1924. Storm continued, but cleared up a little in the afternoon. Mailed two boxes of insects. Receipts are numbered 13 and 14. One box is No. 159, 1924. Rat got in and destroyed a small-sized grebe. Have three other specimens. Hope he enjoyed the arsenic. 

April 18, 1924. Very hot.

April 19, 1924. Hot weather.