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April 20, 1924. Two steamers arrived from Chungking, showing that after months traffic between Chungking and Suifu has opened up. I intend to send off all the specimens that can be sent by parcel post as early as possible, lest civil war breaks out or brigands again begin operations on the river, thus making it impossible to send the specimens. 

April 21, 1924. Mailed 13 boxes, 12 of birdskins and one of small mammal skins. 
Went hunting in the afternoon, securing nine small birds in bamboo groves just outside the city west of Suifu. 

April 22, 1924. Mailed two more boxes of birdskins. 
Wrote consul.
Wrote Customs officials.
Wrote Postmaster, Chungking concerning the shipment of birdskins. 

April 23, 1924. Wrote Consul Ogden about the road to Songpan^[[?]], whether infested with brigands or not. Went to the post office to see about the specimens mailed. They will be sealed and forwarded today. May they travel safely and fast!! Two big moths hatched out of cocoons. 

April 24, 1924. Secured and skinned a common house mouse (secured yesterday, skinned today). 

April 25, 1924. Wrote to collector Ho at Chengtu. Wrote to a friend at Tsaw' Ting'^[[?]] Yunnan to secure a native collector of insects. Also wrote to a friend at Ningyuanfu, Szechuen. Two big moths hatched out. 

April 26, 1924. Another big moth hatched out. Collector Chen brought several lepidoptera. 
Packed the twenty-second box of birdskins, marked "Birdbox No. 17,80 Birdskins."

April 27, 1924. Another moth hatched out. 

April 28, 1924. Several moths hatched out. Wrote Mr. [[underlined]] Jorcgren [[/underlined]] ^[[?]] ^[[Lovegren]] at Kiating about taking specimens to Shanghai. 

April 29, 1924. Tied ropes around the bird boxes. Packed insect box No. 161. Preparation for trip south of Suifu. Cabbage butterflies hatched out. I had fed the worms only a few days ago. They were in the cocoon stage only a few days.