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July 1, 1924. Last night up late with specimens and cleaning guns. Rained very hard during the night. Roads very bad in the morning, but made at least 35 miles. Afternoon hot. All arrived very tired at Shin' Gin' Shien[[superscript]] 4 [[/superscript]]. Killed another bird like bird No. 1. Saw a lot of birds like bird No. 2 on an island. Wounded one, but did not get it. Bird No. 30 new to my collecting. Got a good many insects. Passed a robber district. Got birds 30, 31, 32. 

July 2, 1924. Travelled about 28 miles to Chengtu. Secured two birds that conceal themselves in the rice paddies. Made preparations for the trip on to Songpan. Stayed at Geo. [[underlined]] Travels's. [[/underlined]] ^[[? FRANCK'S]]
Got birds 33, 34, 35, 36, 37. Consul Ogden, English, secured escort. Nos. 33, 37, 34 generally seen in rice paddies; 33 and 37 are hard to get. 

July 3, 1924. British Consul Ogden sent a special paper requiring cooperation of Chinese officials. The escort was [[underlined]] very [[/underlined]] slow coming, but when it came, not one of the soldiers had a gun or a sword, and there were eight of them? What use were they? At the city gates we were delayed an hour by the city police. Travelled eight miles. Secured four birds. All our party was still tired because of the rush trip from Kiating to Chengtu. Secured some good insects in the city of Chengtu, 38-41. ^[[GOT 4 BIRDS.]]

July 4, 1924. Today was a day to discourage the bravest. Travelled over 28 miles to Kuan Shien, a large city where I knew no one. Escort was sent ahead to get a lodging place. He did not do so, and we found ourselves on the streets helpless. I went to the Magistrate's and found he was from Suifu. He found a lodging for us, and arranged for our journey. Soldiers watching the city gate made trouble when we entered the city. My room was vermin ridden with poor air. One helper nearly raised a riot by unwise words while the loads were on the street and I was seeing the Magistrate. I had to dismiss this helper because he is always making trouble.

July 5, 1924. Crossed the Yangtsi P'o or wild goat pass to Yin[[superscript]] 4 [[/superscript]] Shin[[superscript]] 4 [[/superscript]] Wan, a small village. We had a [[underlined]] hart [[/underlined]] ^[[HARD]] time getting started. The coolies all worshipped the idol Er[[superscript]] 3 [[/superscript]] [[underlined]] Jarg[[superscript]] 2 [[/superscript]] fui [[/underlined]] ^[[LANG JIU]] fah, to insure a safe journey. The pass is about 3000 feet above sea level but very rough. This town is about 3200 in altitude. We killed 11 birds and secured a number of good insects. We saw a caravan of aborigines camping. Killed birds [[underlined]] 40-53 [[/underlined]] ^[[42-53]]. This country is getting more and more like that around Tatsienfu.