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July 18, 1924. Crossed "Snow Mountain" pass, probably at least 14,000 feet high. It was very cold. We saw many strange birds. Killed a hawk and other birds. We saw a lot of strange butterflies. Settled down at Huang Long [[underlined]] Si [[/underlined]] ^[[? ([[underlined]] yes [[/underlined]].)]] for two weeks of hunting. Everybody tired. Secured 18 birds.
Nos. 171-190.

July 19, 1924. Trip to Yellow Dragon Temple.Wonderful sights on the way. Killed 37 birds, three mice, all useful. Spent part of P.M. taking care of specimens. Prepared for a trip up the high mountain after big game. No. 192-226.

July 20, 1924. Took a long hard trip to the top of a mountain about 14,000 feet high. Was looking for large mammals, but saw no signs of any. Secured some [[underlined]] June [[/underlined]] ^[[[[underlined]] fine [[/underlined]]]] bees and dipthera. It rained hard last night and sprinkled during the day. Killed 14 birds. Last night’s moth catch was excellent, the best this summer. A cold day with no sunshine. Expect to take a trip towards the snow mountain tomorrow, an all-day trip.
Birdskins No. 227-240.

July 21, 1924. Fine catch of night moths. A very heavy rain during night and morning, making streams rise. Spent morning caring for specimens. Killed 19 birds, two large hares. Searched in all directions for signs of large mammals, but found none. Birdskins No. 241-259.

July 22, 1924. Rained all morning. Tramped to the head of the canyon of the Yellow Dragon Temple. Could find few insects on account of the cold. Secured some good birds. Secured 31 birds and one mammal. Rained very hard in the afternoon. Could cath no day insects.
Birdskins 260-290.

July 23, 1924. Changeable weather. Sun shone between showers. Killed nine birds, two of which were useless, and a hare. Climbed a high mountain, then went through a thicket through which I had to cut my way. Practically no signs of mammals. This is a poor spot for collecting mammals.
Birds No. 291-297.

July 24, 1924. A.M. No rain, but a hard, cold wind. We have not had a single day favorable for day insects. In the afternoon there came a sudden unexpected shower that wet everybody and everything. Got three good pheasants, etc., two mammals, small.
Birds No. 298-308.