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Hereafter I will refuse all large animals until finances get better. 

April 7th, 1934. I have sold a tarkin^[[?]] skin, a white Panda skin and a leopard skin. I have purchased for the Smithsonian: 

2 white Pandas
1 with a complete skelet
1 White Panda bdy^[[?]]
4 small animals

I paid for white Panda and skeleton 40.00
White panda - - - - - - - - - - - - 30.00
Baby Panda - - - - - - - - - - - -  12.00
3 small mammals - - - - - - - - - - 10.00

Mammal No.                          Price

1328, white Panda & skeleton - - -  40.00
1329, white Panda, skull - - - - -  30.00
1330, flying squirrel)
1331 - 2. small ani- ) - - - - - - - 10.00
        mals with skulls)
1333 - wild cat
1334, Red deer [[female symbol]] - - - - - - - - -  40.00
1335, Baby White Panda - - - - - -  12.00
1336, antelope - - - - - - - - - -  20.00
  from Mufin with entire skeleton
1337, Mountain sheep with whole
  skeleton from Mufin - - - - - - -  7.00
1338, deer from near Wen Chuan with
  skull - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  23.00

I have sold one good panda skin and one good female talsin skin and a leopard skin so as to save expenses. Mammal 1339 is a golden-haired monkey from Wen Chuan Shien.

Box 308, Insects from Hanchow near Chengtu Szechuen, China in 308. 

Box 309, animal skins and insects value 9.00
Box 310 small white Panda skin $10.00
Box 311, Deer skin $30
  (Paid $40.00 No. 1334 14 catties.
Box 312, White Panda
Box 313, White panda No. 17 catties No. 1328.
Box 314, Female talsin^[[?]] from Wen Chuan Shien 23.00