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Neg. # (Start)Neg. # (Stop)DescriptionRestrictionsDescription NotesWork Order #RequesterDepartmentPhotogDateAmountFilm TypeFilm SizePhoto/ReproAdditional Info
[[underline]] Official Initials of Photo Lab Personnel [[/underline]] H.H.A. Hannelore Aceto D.R.B. Dwight Bowman D.D.B. David Blume V.P.C. Vince Connolly R.B.F. Richard Farrar A.F.H. Alfred Harrell R.K.H. Richard Hofmeister H.J. Harry Jenkins (Ret. 1/75) V.E.K. Victor Krantz R.G.M. Robert Myers H.B.N. Harry Neufeld J.S. Jack Scott (Ret. 7/74) R.R.S. Richard Smart A.W. Andrew Wynn [[underline]] Official Initials of Private Photographers [[/underline]] L.B. Lee Boltin F.S. Francine Schroeder (Eastwood) [[end page]] [[start page]] [[blank]]

Transcription Notes:
I used the "Additional Info" box since this is only a reference page. When transcribing the "Photog" column in the rest of the logbook, these abbreviations appear with varied punctuation, eg. R.K.H. is written as "RKH", "RKH.", etc.